Focusing on the Splendid: Only Good News Today

10 things to smile about.

A Splendid Note from Liene:

I’ve been fortunate to have worked with wedding pros from 94 countries over my career and I’ve heard from a ton of them this past month – all with similar questions, stories of lost business, uncertainties of what to say to clients who are completely stressed.⁣

We’re all in this together. If you have questions on Coronavirus and your wedding business, feel free to email me at

⁣I’ll be sharing my answers here on the Think Splendid blog so that everyone can benefit.⁣ I’ll also keep your name anonymous. Totally free, no strings attached – I truly do not care if you never hire me.

You can read all the previous Q+As on Coronavirus and your wedding business here or you can sort by Q+A topic category using the links in the sidebar.

Focus on the Splendid

We're an industry that makes our living by celebrating life's milestones, and I’ve been starting each post with a couple of positive COVID-19 related things we can all smile about.

Today’s post, however, is only good things: some heartwarming stories, some interesting, non-depressing pieces of news, some doses of humor if you need a laugh, etc.

Total Global Recoveries

The number of global recoveries is now more than 285,000 people, up from 270,000 yesterday.

On a personal note, two of my family members who caught Coronavirus have now recovered. Please stay safe and stay home.

Holidays at Home

I keep thinking about the fact that three major religions will be celebrating three community-focused holidays from home in April (Passover, Easter, and Ramadan). People of faith worldwide collectively focusing on themes of deliverance, redemption, and generosity feels especially fitting this year.

I’ve updated the #StayHome pinterest board with ways to celebrate these holidays from home, mostly with items you may already have in your house.

Quarantine Pen Pals

Bottega Veneta’s Joyous Distraction

From Cultured: “Starting this weekend, the luxury brand will be launching an initiative—dubbed the “Bottega Residency”—to inspire and empower people for the weeks ahead.

Though it may be touted as a “distraction,” this initiative is more of a practical escape. To be the best for ourselves and our families, we need to take moments to pause and build ourselves up from within. This doesn’t just keep us sane, but it gives us energy to keep striding forward. To combat feelings of loneliness and worry that have permeated the past few weeks, Lee has devised of virtual line-up of muses and talents that are sure to entertain viewers throughout the week.”

Humor as a Coping Mechanism (Also, Honey)


5 shows by emerging artists you can see online.

No-Sew Face Masks

How to make a no-sew pleated face mask with a handkerchief and two hair ties.

If You’re Staying Home, You ARE Being Productive

Tuning Out

From The Ringer: “Quibi’s ‘Murder House Flip’ is somehow exactly what it sounds like: welcome to the first show to combine true crime and HGTV.”

Quarantine Reads

From Bookshop, a new company that lets you easily support more than 100 independent book stores, all from one convenient website: books that help you reduce stress and cultivate joy and books that are smart and well done but don’t require your whole brain and popular activity books for kids at home

Written by

Liene Stevens, the founder and CEO of Think Splendid, is an author, speaker, and award-winning business strategist. Armed with $2000, a healthy work ethic, and an undeserved dose of privilege, Liene bootstrapped Think Splendid from a scribble in a notebook to a successful wedding business consulting firm with a client list spanning 94 countries.