Nothing changes if nothing changes.
Photo by Cameron Clark
If you’ve worked with me or have been reading the Think Splendid blog for a while, you know I am big on asking questions. After all, nothing changes if nothing changes and change can’t happen until we question something.
In addition to these 30 questions that will help you think more clearly, here are 21 questions to ask yourself as you reflect on this past year:
What moved me closer to my goals this year?
What happened this year that I was surprised by in a good way?
What (or who) sapped my energy this year without offering anything nourishing in return?
Where did I allow grudges to influence my decisions?
When did I bite my tongue when I should have spoken up?
When was I too hasty in offering an opinion?
Where did I allow my skepticism to overrule my curiosity?
Were the compromises I made this year healthy and collaborative or were they self-sabotaging (ceding my voice or power with nothing in return)?
Where did I shrink back this year?
How did I stand up for myself this year?
How did I stand up for someone else this year?
When disagreeing or arguing with someone this year, did I fight fairly or did I turn things back on the other person?
Did I use JOMO (joy of missing out) as an excuse to stay in my comfort zone?
Did I base business and financial decisions on FOMO (fear of missing out) rather than a strategic goal?
What new thing did I try this year?
What did I say 'yes' to this year that I should have turned down?
What habits did I break or discard this year?
What new habits did I cultivate this year?
Did I do anything this year for which I need to make amends?
What happened this year that I need to forgive myself for?
What kept me up the most at night this year?