Amangiri event by Johnny Roxburgh. Photography by Cameron Clark.
“Discipline is remembering what you want.” – David Campbell
We eat this, not that and commit to exercise because we remember that what we want is to feel strong and healthy.
We say no to certain types of projects and clients because we remember which things we want to have more room to say yes to.
We create personal boundaries surrounding our businesses because we remember that we started our companies in order to have more focused time with family and the people we love the most.
We schedule time for reading/exploring/art museum visits because we remember that we want new ways of thinking and that those will only come by exposure to varied and new ideas.
We schedule time for marketing tasks because we remember that the benefits accumulate like compound interest over time and that it's best not to wait until the referral well is dry to start looking for new life-giving sources.
Discipline isn't a dirty word nor an impossible feat. It is making choices, day by day, hour by hour, that keep in mind what we really wanted in the first place.
Originally published October 2012